Jessica Reisinger Crowns Hannah Utic

Hannah Utic is crowned Miss Alaska 2023

Thu, Jun 8, 2023 Hollywood and Anchorage: The Reigning Queen Jessica Reisinger Miss Alaska 2022 has just crowned her successor, The Winner Against 7 Contestants, Miss Girdwood Hannah Utic as new Miss Alaska 2023 at the end of Grand Finale in Wendy Williamson Auditorium Located in University of Alaska, Anchorage today on Thursday, June 8, 2023 which started at 6pm AKDT / 10pm EDT at Facebook LIVE.

Newly crowned Hannah Utic Miss Alaska 2023 will represent her AK state at the upcoming 96TH Miss America 2024 where at the end of Grand Finale the reigning queen Grace Stanke Miss America 2023 will crown her successor who emerged winner in 51 contestants as new Miss America 2024.

New Queen Hannah Utic is the 8TH Entry to The Class of Miss America 2024 after Amelia Collins Miss New York 2023, Star Dahl-Thurston Miss Hawaii 2023, Miranda O’Bryan Miss South Dakota 2023, Madison Marsh Miss Colorado 2023, Caroline Parente Miss Rhode Island 2023, Brooke Mills Miss New Hampshire 2023 and Yamuna Turco Miss Vermont 2023.

Utic pursues Civic Involvement through Informed Voting as her Community Service Initiative (CSI). She is incredibly passionate about helping people to understand the importance of not only voting but being involved in local government.

Hannah says “Our vote is our voice and too few of us are really using it—of women my age here in the great state of Alaska, less than 5,000 of us are even registered to vote. I am working to change that!! Being your Miss Alaska would give me an even greater platform to do so.”The Line of Forever Queens with New Queen Hannah Utic

The Line of Forever (Past) Queen with New Queen Hannah Utic – The Handing Over of Crowns To The Next

Fun Facts about Utic

She just Graduated College as BA in Political Science and minor in Communication a few weeks ago, with thanks to Miss America scholarships.

When not working or practicing the piano, Utic likes in spare time to hang out with her friends and family, just having good old fashion fun!

Ice skating and making snowcones are usually at the top of the Utic’s list.

If you asked Utic what’s one thing a lot of people don’t know about her, she would probably tell you that she can ride a unicycle.

Forever Queen Jessica Reisinger, Miss Alaska 2022 said “Alaska. I love you forever. Thank you for the most incredible year. Alaska is in good hands. The crown is yours, Hannah Utic @hannah.k.u. Make the most of it”Hanna Utic Headshot

In March attended the annual Alaska Governors Prayer Breakfast! This is an event where Hannah loves going to each year, however this year was a special privilege as she was invited to sit at the head table and sing our Alaska Flag song during the program.

She also had the honor of meeting Governor Mike Dunleavy, Lieutenant Governor Dahlstrom, and former AK governor and current chancellor of UAA Sean Parnell!