Beatrice Millan-Windorski Crowned Headshot

Miss Earth USA 2025 Pageant on January 2-5, 2025

The Miss Earth National Pageant of United States will organize The Earth USA 2025 Competition to elect the successor of The Reigning Queen Miss Earth USA 2024, Bea Millan-Windorski with Aspiring Contestants joining as the representative of the American States.

The organization has set the pageant period of Miss Earth USA 2025 Competition as January 2-5, 2025.

The other reigning queens are given below who are also crowned in the same competition period:

  • Beatrice Millan-Windorski, Miss Earth USA 2024 of Wisconsin
  • Alexandria Wolfe, Teen Miss Earth USA 2024 of Texas
  • 2024 Tiny Miss Earth USA, Jeanelle St Fleur of Tennessee
  • 2024 Little Miss Earth USA, Eloise Sproul of Kentucky
  • 2024 Junior Miss Earth USA, Camille Buss of Florida

The pageant venue / host city is Orlando in Florida. The official website will add relevant information including the application process and eligibility criteria at appropriate time.

The applicant register at, which is one more official website.

The pageant is run by National Director Laura Clark along with Assistant Directors Ariel Sorensen and Brittany Ann Payne under Liv & Rock Productions, the Franchise Holder of Miss Earth USA which is based in Phoenix, Arizona.